About the Book

Mathematics for Australia 8 Second Edition has been completely redesigned and rewritten, in line with other related year levels in our 'Mathematics for Australia' series.  The textbook and interactive digital subscription provide a complete learning resource, allowing students to explore and develop their appreciation of Mathematics. 

Each topic is presented with an Opening Problem that offers an insight into the applications of the mathematics to be covered ahead. Concepts are explored with worked examples, discussions, activities, investigations, and research exercises, building towards understanding and retention. The exercises ranging from basic to advanced are tailored to student abilities, and the easy-to-follow structure is designed for engagement. Extensive review sets are included at the end of each chapter to encourage retention and confidence. 

The associated digital subscription includes the entire text of the physical book along with additional interactive learning resources such as voiced-over examples and interactive features.

Year Published: 2021
Page Count: 460
ISBN: 978-1-922416-20-9 (9781922416209)
Online ISBN: 978-1-922416-21-6 (9781922416216)

